Dozens of Bakersfield residents turned out in front of the Liberty Bell on Truxtun and Chester avenues to applaud the work of area law enforcement.
City councilman Chris Parlier helped organize the Friday event and said it’s best to bond the community with its police, deputies and highway patrol officers.
“Our cops are part of the fabric of the community,” Parlier said. “They live in the community, they’re our neighbors, they’re our relatives, they’re our little league coaches, football coaches, PTA members – they’re part of us.”
Parlier said, in the wake of events in Ferguson, Mo., and New York, law enforcement’s positive effects on the community should be recognized.
“Law enforcement, generally, is kind of painted with a broad brush,” Parlier said. “Our community is about building things, not tearing it down.”
People at the event signed oversized appreciation cards. Balloons were also released to honor officers that had fallen in the line of duty.
– Anthony Pollreisz