A no bail warrant has been issued for the arrest of an accused killer on the run in the Kelso Valley.
Kern County Sheriff’s spokesman Ray Pruitt says searchers believe 34-year-old Benjamin Ashley is hiding somewhere in the upper Weldon area.
“We have not scaled back the search effort at all – if anything, we’ve added additional personnel and resources,” he said. “Our focus is on finding Benjamin Ashley and taking him into custody.”
Ashley, who has a lengthy arrest record, is accused of injuring SWAT deputies in a gunfight, murdering a dentist in his cabin, and holding three men at gunpoint in Twin Oaks, and Pruitt says the squatter remains armed and dangerous.
Those who have more information about Ashley’s whereabouts are being urged to call a special line dedicated to the search. The number is (661) 392-4360.
– Anthony Pollreisz