inmate found dead at kern valley state prison

An inmate has been found dead at North Kern State Prison in Delano. Authorities are calling the case a homicide after Enrique Gomeztagle, 31, was found unresponsive in his cell on Wednesday evening. His cell mate, Kevin Langston, 34, was moved to restricted housing following the incident. Gomeztagle was serving a two year sentence for…Read More

Bakersfield police searching for assault suspects

Bakersfield police searching for assault suspects

Bakersfield police are asking for the community’s help identifying two men accused of assault.  Officers say one of the suspects seriously injured a victim during an assault outside a business in the 1700 block of Brundage Lane on November 2, 2024. The man was driven from the scene by another person. Suspect 1 is 25…Read More

northwest bakersfield shooting suspect convicted

A man has been convicted of attempted murder in connection to a shooting that injured a man in northwest Bakersfield. Shawn Brown, 45, was also convicted Wednesday of assault with a semi-automatic firearm, carrying a loaded firearm without registration, and attempted second-degree robbery after shooting his victim several times in the 13000 block of Rosedale…Read More

suspected delano Kidnappers accept plea deals

Two people accused of kidnapping and robbing an elderly woman in Delano have accepted plea deals. Claudia Toqueca and Christian Chauta made deals with prosecutors Tuesday after barging into the home of a 70-year-old woman on May 9, 2024, forcing her to drive them to the bank, then stealing $25,000 which she withdrew from her…Read More

animal vaccines available in shafter

The City of Shafter will host a low-cost vaccine clinic on Saturday, February 1, 2025, from 9 a.m. to noon. Vaccines are $15 each and must be paid in cash. Officials say they will take pets by appointment only. The location is Shafter Animal Control 18849 Shafter Avenue. Follow the link below to make your…Read More

kern inmate walks away from la county lockup

kern inmate walks away from la county lockup

An inmate from Kern County working at a labor lock-up in the Southland is on the loose. Jessie Meza, 38, who was serving a 16-year sentence in Kern County on assault and gun charges, was discovered missing Tuesday morning when guards conducted a head count at Acton Conservation Camp in Los Angeles County. Acton is…Read More

Manhunt for kings county amber alert suspect

Manhunt for kings county amber alert suspect

A manhunt is on for a Hanford man suspected of killing his wife and abducting their two young daughters. An Amber Alert was issued out of Kings County Wednesday morning for Jonathan Maldonado-Cruz, 23, who allegedly shot his wife to death Tuesday afternoon at their home on Fourth Place near Tenth Avenue and abducted the…Read More

Amber ALert Issued for two missing hanford children

Amber ALert Issued for two missing hanford children

The Kings County Sheriff’s Office has issued an Amber Alert for two young girls reportedly taken by their father after their mother’s body was found in their Hanford home.  Detectives were dispatched Tuesday afternoon to conduct a welfare check at a home on Fourth Place near Tenth Avenue where they found a woman shot to death. …Read More

changes coming to kern elections divison

Election concerns have prompted the Kern County Board of Supervisors to make the county Registrar of Voters a separate entity from another county department. On Tuesday the board heard a report from the county’s finance and administration committee to separate the registrar’s position from the auditor-controller-clerk post which Aimee Espinoza, the current Auditor-Controller-Clerk and Registrar…Read More

hurtado introduces bill to improve state’s water woes

Democrat State Senator Melissa Hurtado of Fresno has introduced a measure aimed at tackling California’s water crisis. Senate Bill 224, called the Preventing Artificial Water Shortages Act, addresses the state’s ongoing water mismanagement crisis by confronting the Department of Water Resources reliance on outdated data and forecasting. Hurtado says the forecast data results in artificial…Read More